Outside School Hours Programs
Rise & Shine's outside-school-hours programs are a fantastic opportunity for schools and those in the community development sector to cater to and engage with their student population.
Before or after school debating classes can be run as an adjunct to regular classes within a school environment or run through community centres as part of vacation care programming or regular weekly classes within the community.
"When students participate in debate, they learn to study issues in depth and from different perspectives, a skill I use every day in the Senate."
- Barack Obama -
Joining an OSH Program
Click the button below to see our current programs, if you would like your child to benefit from participation in debating with Rise & Shine.
If there are no programs currently in your area, Rise & Shine may be able to implement a program locally using community facilities or at your child's school.
Drop us an email to see how we can help you start a debating program near you.

Hosting an OSH Program
Offering debating as an OSH program not only benefits your students but makes your school stand out from the crowd.
Rise & Shine outside-school-hours programs are an all-inclusive service, handling enrollments, program facilitation and coordination.
Implementation at your school requires no extra oversight from staff members - all that's needed is a room and a time slot.